11. Workflow End-to-End (WE2E) Tests

The SRW App contains a set of end-to-end tests that exercise various workflow configurations of the SRW App. These are referred to as workflow end-to-end (WE2E) tests because they all use the Rocoto workflow manager to run their individual workflows. The purpose of these tests is to ensure that new changes to the App do not break existing functionality and capabilities.

Note that the WE2E tests are not regression tests—they do not check whether current results are identical to previously established baselines. They also do not test the scientific integrity of the results (e.g., they do not check that values of output fields are reasonable). These tests only check that the tasks within each test’s workflow complete successfully. They are, in essence, tests of the workflow generation, task execution (j-jobs, ex-scripts), and other auxiliary scripts (which are mostly in the regional_workflow repository) to ensure that these scripts function correctly. These functions include creating and correctly arranging and naming directories and files, ensuring that all input files are available and readable, calling executables with correct namelists and/or options, etc. Currently, it is up to the external repositories that the App clones (Section 1.4) to check that changes to those repos do not change results, or, if they do, to ensure that the new results are acceptable. (At least two of these external repositories—UFS_UTILS and ufs-weather-model—do have such regression tests.)

For convenience, the WE2E tests are currently grouped into the following categories:

  • grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community

    This category of tests ensures that the SRW App workflow running in community mode (i.e., with RUN_ENVIR set to "community") completes successfully for various combinations of predefined grids, physics suites, and input data from different external models. Note that in community mode, all output from the App is placed under a single experiment directory.

  • grids_extrn_mdls_suites_nco

    This category of tests ensures that the workflow running in NCO mode (i.e., with RUN_ENVIR set to "nco") completes successfully for various combinations of predefined grids, physics suites, and input data from different external models. Note that in NCO mode, an operational run environment is used. This involves a specific directory structure and variable names (see Section 9.5).

  • wflow_features

    This category of tests ensures that the workflow completes successfully with particular features/capabilities activated. To reduce computational cost, most tests in this category use coarser grids.

The test configuration files for these categories are located in the following directories, respectively:


The script to run the WE2E tests is named run_WE2E_tests.sh and is located in the directory ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/tests/WE2E. Each WE2E test has an associated configuration file named config.${test_name}.sh, where ${test_name} is the name of the corresponding test. These configuration files are subsets of the full range of config.sh experiment configuration options. (See Section 9 for all configurable options and Section for information on configuring config.sh.) For each test, the run_WE2E_tests.sh script reads in the test configuration file and generates from it a complete config.sh file. It then calls generate_FV3LAM_wflow.sh, which in turn reads in config.sh and generates a new experiment for the test. The name of each experiment directory is set to that of the corresponding test, and a copy of config.sh for each test is placed in its experiment directory.

Since run_WE2E_tests.sh calls generate_FV3LAM_wflow.sh for each test, the Python modules required for experiment generation must be loaded before run_WE2E_tests.sh can be called. See Section 4.7.2 for information on loading the Python environment on supported platforms. Note also that run_WE2E_tests.sh assumes that all of the executables have been built (see Section 4.4). If they have not, then run_WE2E_tests.sh will still generate the experiment directories, but the workflows will fail.

11.1. Supported Tests

The full list of WE2E tests is extensive; it is not recommended to run all the tests, as some are computationally expensive. A subset of the full WE2E test suite is supported for the latest release of the SRW Application. Supported test cases can be viewed in this table.

11.2. Running the WE2E Tests

Users may specify the set of tests to run by creating a text file, such as my_tests.txt, which contains a list of the WE2E tests to run (one per line). Then, they pass the name of that file to run_WE2E_tests.sh. For example, to run the tests custom_ESGgrid and grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16 (from the wflow_features and grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community categories, respectively), users would enter the following commands from the WE2E working directory (ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/tests/WE2E/):

cat > my_tests.txt

(and Ctrl + D to exit). For each test in my_tests.txt, run_WE2E_tests.sh will generate a new experiment directory and, by default, create a new cron job in the user’s cron table that will (re)launch the workflow every 2 minutes. This cron job calls the workflow launch script launch_FV3LAM_wflow.sh until the workflow either completes successfully (i.e., all tasks are successful) or fails (i.e., at least one task fails). The cron job is then removed from the user’s cron table.

The examples below demonstrate several common ways that run_WE2E_tests.sh can be called with the my_tests.txt file above. These examples assume that the user has already built the SRW App and loaded the regional workflow as described in Chapter 2 (and in detail in Chapter 4).

  1. To run the tests listed in my_tests.txt on Hera and charge the computational resources used to the “rtrr” account, use:

    ./run_WE2E_tests.sh tests_file="my_tests.txt" machine="hera" account="rtrr"

    This will create the experiment subdirectories for the two sample WE2E tests in the directory ${SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR}/../expt_dirs, where SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR is the top-level directory for the ufs-srweather-app repository (usually set to something like /path/to/ufs-srweather-app). Thus, the following two experiment directories will be created:


    In addition, by default, cron jobs will be added to the user’s cron table to relaunch the workflows of these experiments every 2 minutes.

  2. To change the frequency with which the cron relaunch jobs are submitted from the default of 2 minutes to 1 minute, use:

    ./run_WE2E_tests.sh tests_file="my_tests.txt" machine="hera" account="rtrr" cron_relaunch_intvl_mnts="01"
  3. To disable use of cron (which implies that the worfkow for each test will have to be relaunched manually from within each experiment directory), use:

    ./run_WE2E_tests.sh tests_file="my_tests.txt" machine="hera" account="rtrr" use_cron_to_relaunch="FALSE"

    In this case, the user will have to go into each test’s experiment directory and either manually call the launch_FV3LAM_wflow.sh script or use the Rocoto commands described in Chapter 10 to (re)launch the workflow. Note that if using the Rocoto commands directly, the log file log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow will not be created; in this case, the status of the workflow can be checked using the rocotostat command (see Section 4.8.2 or Section 10.2).

  4. To place the experiment subdirectories in a subdirectory named test_set_01 under ${SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR}/../expt_dirs (instead of immediately under expt_dirs), use:

    ./run_WE2E_tests.sh tests_file="my_tests.txt" machine="hera" account="rtrr" expt_basedir="test_set_01"

    In this case, the full paths to the experiment directories will be:


    This is useful for grouping various sets of tests.

  5. To use a test list file (again named my_tests.txt) located in /path/to/custom/location instead of in the same directory as run_WE2E_tests.sh, and to have the experiment directories be placed in a specific, non-default location (e.g., /path/to/custom/expt_dirs), use:

    ./run_WE2E_tests.sh tests_file="/path/to/custom/location/my_tests.txt" machine="hera" account="rtrr" expt_basedir="/path/to/custom/expt_dirs"

The full usage statement for run_WE2E_tests.sh is as follows:

./run_WE2E_tests.sh \
   tests_file="..." \
   machine="..." \
   account="..." \
   [expt_basedir="..."] \
   [exec_subdir="..."] \
   [use_cron_to_relaunch="..."] \
   [cron_relaunch_intvl_mnts="..."] \
   [verbose="..."] \
   [generate_csv_file="..."] \
   [machine_file="..."] \
   [stmp="..."] \
   [ptmp="..."] \
   [compiler="..."] \

The arguments in brackets are optional. A complete description of these arguments can be obtained by issuing:

./run_WE2E_tests.sh --help

from within the directory ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/tests/WE2E.

11.3. The WE2E Test Information File

In addition to creating the WE2E tests’ experiment directories and optionally creating cron jobs to launch their workflows, the run_WE2E_tests.sh script generates a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file named WE2E_test_info.csv that contains information on the full set of WE2E tests. This file serves as a single location where relevant information about the WE2E tests can be found. It can be imported into Google Sheets using the “|” (pipe symbol) character as the custom field separator. If the user does not want run_WE2E_tests.sh to generate this CSV file the first time it runs, this functionality can be explicitly disabled by including the generate_csv_file="FALSE" flag as an argument when running this script.

The rows of the file/sheet represent the full set of available tests (not just the ones to be run). The columns contain the following information (column titles are included in the CSV file):

Column 1
The primary test name followed (in parentheses) by the category subdirectory where it is located.
Column 2
Any alternate names for the test followed by their category subdirectories (in parentheses).
Column 3
The test description.
Column 4
The relative cost of running the dynamics in the test. This gives an idea of how expensive the test is relative to a reference test that runs a single 6-hour forecast on the RRFS_CONUS_25km predefined grid using its default time step. To calculate the relative cost, the absolute cost abs_cost is first calculated as follows:
abs_cost = nx*ny*num_time_steps*num_fcsts
Here, nx and ny are the number of grid points in the horizontal (x and y) directions, num_time_steps is the number of time steps in one forecast, and num_fcsts is the number of forecasts the test runs (see Column 5 below). [Note that this cost calculation does not (yet) differentiate between different physics suites.] The relative cost rel_cost is then calculated using
rel_cost = abs_cost/abs_cost_ref
where abs_cost_ref is the absolute cost of running the reference forecast described above, i.e., a single (num_fcsts = 1) 6-hour forecast (FCST_LEN_HRS = 6) on the RRFS_CONUS_25km grid (which currently has nx = 219, ny = 131, and DT_ATMOS =  40 sec (so that num_time_steps = FCST_LEN_HRS*3600/DT_ATMOS = 6*3600/40 = 540). Therefore, the absolute cost reference is calculated as:
abs_cost_ref = 219*131*540*1 = 15,492,060
Column 5
The number of times the forecast model will be run by the test. This is calculated using quantities such as the number of cycle dates (i.e., forecast model start dates) and the number of ensemble members (which is greater than 1 if running ensemble forecasts and 1 otherwise). The number of cycle dates and/or ensemble members is derived from the quantities listed in Columns 6, 7, ….
Columns 6, 7, …
The values of various experiment variables (if defined) in each test’s configuration file. Currently, the following experiment variables are included:

Additional fields (columns) may be added to the CSV file in the future.

Note that the CSV file is not part of the regional_workflow repo and therefore is not tracked by the repo. The run_WE2E_tests.sh script will generate a CSV file if the generate_csv_file flag to this script has not explicitly been set to "FALSE" and if either one of the following is true:

  1. The CSV file doesn’t already exist.

  2. The CSV file does exist, but changes have been made to one or more of the category subdirectories (e.g., test configuration files modified, added, or deleted) since the creation of the CSV file.

Thus, unless the generate_csv_file flag is set to "FALSE", the run_WE2E_tests.sh will create a CSV file the first time it is run in a fresh git clone of the SRW App. The generate_csv_file flag is provided because the CSV file generation can be slow, so users may wish to skip this step since it is not a necessary part of running the tests.

11.4. Checking Test Status

If cron jobs are used to periodically relaunch the tests, the status of each test can be checked by viewing the end of the log file (log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow). Otherwise (or alternatively), the rocotorun/rocotostat combination of commands can be used. (See Section 4.8.2 for details.)

The SRW App also provides the script get_expts_status.sh in the directory ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/tests/WE2E, which can be used to generate a status summary for all tests in a given base directory. This script updates the workflow status of each test by internally calling launch_FV3LAM_wflow.sh. Then, it prints out the status of the various tests in the command prompt. It also creates a status report file named expts_status_${create_date}.txt (where create_date is a time stamp in YYYYMMDDHHmm format corresponding to the creation date/time of the report) and places it in the experiment base directory. By default, this status file contains the last 40 lines from the end of each log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow file. This number can be adjusted via the num_log_lines argument. These lines include the experiment status as well as the task status table generated by rocotostat so that, in case of failure, it is convenient to pinpoint the task that failed. For details on the usage of get_expts_stats.sh, issue the following command from the WE2E directory:

./get_expts_status.sh --help

Here is an example of how to call get_expts_status.sh from the WE2E directory:

./get_expts_status.sh expts_basedir=/path/to/expt_dirs/set01

The path for expts_basedir should be an absolute path.

Here is an example of output from the get_expts_status.sh script:

Checking for active experiment directories in the specified experiments
base directory (expts_basedir):
  expts_basedir = "/path/to/expt_dirs/set01"

The number of active experiments found is:
  num_expts = 2
The list of experiments whose workflow status will be checked is:

Checking workflow status of experiment "custom_ESGgrid" ...
Workflow status:  SUCCESS

Checking workflow status of experiment "grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16" ...
Workflow status:  IN PROGRESS

A status report has been created in:
   expts_status_fp = "/path/to/expt_dirs/set01/expts_status_202204211440.txt"


The “Workflow status” field of each test indicates the status of its workflow. The values that this can take on are “SUCCESS”, “FAILURE”, and “IN PROGRESS”.

11.5. Modifying the WE2E System

This section describes various ways in which the WE2E testing system can be modified to suit specific testing needs.

11.5.1. Modifying an Existing Test

To modify an existing test, simply edit the configuration file for that test by changing existing variable values and/or adding new variables to suit the requirements of the modified test. Such a change may also require modifications to the test description in the header of the file.

11.5.2. Adding a New Test

To add a new test named, e.g., new_test01, to one of the existing test categories, such as wflow_features:

  1. Choose an existing test configuration file in any one of the category directories that matches most closely the new test to be added. Copy that file to config.new_test01.sh and, if necessary, move it to the wflow_features category directory.

  2. Edit the header comments in config.new_test01.sh so that they properly describe the new test.

  3. Edit the contents of config.new_test01.sh by modifying existing experiment variable values and/or adding new variables such that the test runs with the intended configuration.

11.5.3. Adding a New WE2E Test Category

To create a new test category called, e.g., new_category:

  1. In the directory ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/tests/WE2E/test_configs, create a new directory named new_category.

  2. In the file get_WE2Etest_names_subdirs_descs.sh, add the element "new_category" to the array category_subdirs, which contains the list of categories/subdirectories in which to search for test configuration files. Thus, category_subdirs becomes:

    category_subdirs=( \
      "." \
      "grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community" \
      "grids_extrn_mdls_suites_nco" \
      "wflow_features" \
      "new_category" \

New tests can now be added to new_category using the procedure described in Section 11.5.2.

11.5.4. Creating Alternate Names for a Test

To prevent proliferation of WE2E tests, users might want to use the same test for multiple purposes. For example, consider the test


in the grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community category. This checks for the successful completion of the Rocoto workflow running a combination of the RRFS_CONUScompact_25km grid, the FV3GFS model data for ICs and LBCs, and the FV3_GFS_v16 physics suite. If this test also happens to use the inline post capability of the UFS Weather Model (it currently doesn’t; this is only a hypothetical example), then this test can also be used to ensure that the inline post feature of the App/Weather Model (which is activated in the App by setting WRITE_DOPOST to "TRUE") is working properly. Since this test will serve two purposes, it should have two names — one per purpose.

To set the second (alternate) name to activate_inline_post, the user needs to create a symlink named config.activate_inline_post.sh in the wflow_features category directory that points to the original configuration file (config.grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16.sh) in the grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community category directory:

ln -fs --relative </path/to/grids_extrn_mdls_suites_community/config.grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16.sh> </path/to/wflow_features/config.activate_inline_post.sh>

In this situation, the primary name for the test is grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16 (because config.grid_RRFS_CONUScompact_25km_ics_FV3GFS_lbcs_FV3GFS_suite_GFS_v16.sh is an actual file, not a symlink), and activate_inline_post is an alternate name. This approach of allowing multiple names for the same test makes it easier to identify the multiple purposes that a test may serve.


  • A primary test can have more than one alternate test name (by having more than one symlink pointing to the test’s configuration file).

  • The symlinks representing the alternate test names can be in the same or a different category directory.

  • The --relative flag makes the symlink relative (i.e., within/below the regional_workflow directory structure) so that it stays valid when copied to other locations. (Note however that this flag is platform-dependent and may not exist on some platforms.)

  • To determine whether a test has one or more alternate names, a user can view the CSV file WE2E_test_info.csv generated by the run_WE2E_tests.sh script. Recall from Section 11.3 that column 1 of this CSV file contains the test’s primary name (and its category) while column 2 contains any alternate names (and their categories).

  • With this primary/alternate test naming convention, a user can list either the primary test name or one of the alternate test names in the experiments list file (e.g., my_tests.txt) read in by run_WE2E_tests.sh. If more than one name is listed for the same test (e.g., the primary name and and an alternate name, two alternate names, etc.), run_WE2E_tests.sh will exit with a warning message and will not run any tests.