1.4.2. FAQ Building the SRW App How can I clean up the SRW App code if something went wrong during the build?

The ufs-srweather-app repository contains a devclean.sh convenience script. This script can be used to clean up code if something goes wrong when checking out externals or building the application. To view usage instructions and to get help, run with the -h flag:

./devclean.sh -h

To remove the build directory, run:

./devclean.sh --remove

To remove all build artifacts (including build, exec, lib, and share), run:

./devclean.sh --clean
./devclean.sh -a

To remove external submodules, run:

./devclean.sh --sub-modules

Users will need to check out the external submodules again before building the application.

In addition to the options above, many standard terminal commands can be run to remove unwanted files and directories (e.g., rm -rf expt_dirs). A complete explanation of these options is beyond the scope of this User’s Guide. Configuring an Experiment How do I define an experiment name?

The name of the experiment is set in the workflow: section of the config.yaml file using the variable EXPT_SUBDIR. See Section and/or Section for more details. How do I change the Physics Suite Definition File (SDF)?

The SDF is set in the workflow: section of the config.yaml file using the variable CCPP_PHYS_SUITE. The five supported physics suites for the SRW Application are:


When users run the generate_FV3LAM_wflow.py script, the SDF file is copied from its location in the forecast model directory to the experiment directory $EXPTDIR. For more information on the CCPP physics suite parameters, see Section How do I change the grid?

To change the predefined grid, modify the PREDEF_GRID_NAME variable in the task_run_fcst: section of the config.yaml script (see Section for details on creating and modifying the config.yaml file). The five supported predefined grids as of the SRW Application v2.2.0 release are:


However, users can choose from a variety of predefined grids listed in Section An option also exists to create a user-defined grid, with information available in Section However, the user-defined grid option is not fully supported as of the v2.2.0 release and is provided for informational purposes only. How can I select which workflow tasks to run?

Section provides a full description of how to turn on/off workflow tasks.

The default workflow tasks are defined in ufs-srweather-app/parm/wflow/default_workflow.yaml. However, the /parm/wflow directory contains several YAML files that configure different workflow task groups. Each file contains a number of tasks that are typically run together (see Table 1.13 for a description of each task group). To add or remove workflow tasks, users will need to alter the user configuration file (config.yaml) as described in Section to override the default workflow and run the selected tasks and task groups. How can I configure the computational parameters to use more compute power?

In general, there are two options for using more compute power: (1) increase the number of PEs or (2) enable more threads.

Increase Number of PEs

PEs are processing elements, which correspond to the number of MPI processes/tasks. In the SRW App, PE_MEMBER01 is the number of MPI processes required by the forecast. It is calculated by: \(LAYOUT\_X * LAYOUT\_Y + WRTCMP\_write\_groups * WRTCMP\_write\_tasks\_per\_group\) when QUILTING is true. Since these variables are connected, it is recommended that users consider how many processors they want to use to run the forecast model and work backwards to determine the other values.

For simplicity, it is often best to set WRTCMP_write_groups to 1. It may be necessary to increase this number in cases where a single write group cannot finish writing its output before the model is ready to write again. This occurs when the model produces output at very short time intervals.

The WRTCMP_write_tasks_per_group value will depend on domain (i.e., grid) size. This means that a larger domain would require a higher value, while a smaller domain would likely require less than 5 tasks per group.

The LAYOUT_X and LAYOUT_Y variables are the number of MPI tasks to use in the horizontal x and y directions of the regional grid when running the forecast model. Note that the LAYOUT_X and LAYOUT_Y variables only affect the number of MPI tasks used to compute the forecast, not resolution of the grid. The larger these values are, the more work is involved when generating a forecast. That work can be spread out over more MPI processes to increase the speed, but this requires more computational resources. There is a limit where adding more MPI processes will no longer increase the speed at which the forecast completes, but the UFS scales well into the thousands of MPI processes.

Users can take a look at the SRW App predefined grids to get a better sense of what values to use for different types of grids. The Computational Parameters and Write Component Parameters sections of the SRW App User’s Guide define these variables.

Enable More Threads

In general, enabling more threads offers less increase in performance than doubling the number of PEs. However, it uses less memory and still improves performance. To enable more threading, set OMP_NUM_THREADS_RUN_FCST to a higher number (e.g., 2 or 4). When increasing the value, it must be a factor of the number of cores/CPUs (number of MPI tasks * OMP threads cannot exceed the number of cores per node). Typically, it is best not to raise this value higher than 4 or 5 because there is a limit to the improvement possible via OpenMP parallelization (compared to MPI parallelization, which is significantly more efficient). How do I turn on/off the cycle-independent workflow tasks?

The first three pre-processing tasks make_grid, make_orog, and make_sfc_climo are cycle-independent, meaning that they only need to be run once per experiment. By default, the the workflow will run these tasks. However, if the grid, orography, and surface climatology files that these tasks generate are already available (e.g., from a previous experiment that used the same grid as the current experiment), then these tasks can be skipped, and the workflow can use those pre-generated files.

To skip these tasks, remove parm/wflow/prep.yaml from the list of task groups in the Rocoto section of the configuration file (config.yaml):

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml"]|include }}'

Then, add the appropriate tasks and paths to the previously generated grid, orography, and surface climatology files to config.yaml:

   GRID_DIR: /path/to/directory/containing/grid/files
   OROG_DIR: /path/to/directory/containing/orography/files
   SFC_CLIMO_DIR: /path/to/directory/containing/surface/climatology/files

All three sets of files may be placed in the same directory location (and would therefore have the same path), but they can also reside in different directories and use different paths. How can I change the default parameters (e.g., walltime) for workflow tasks?

You can change default parameters for a workflow task by setting them to a new value in the rocoto: tasks: section of the config.yaml file. First, be sure that the task you want to change is part of the default workflow or included under taskgroups: in the rocoto: tasks: section of config.yaml. For instructions on how to add a task to the workflow, see this FAQ.

Once you verify that the task you want to modify is included in your workflow, you can configure the task by adding it to the rocoto: tasks: section of config.yaml. Users should refer to the YAML file where the task is defined to see how to structure the modifications (these YAML files reside in ufs-srweather-app/parm/wflow). For example, to change the wall clock time from 15 to 20 minutes for the run_post_mem###_f### tasks, users would look at post.yaml, where the post-processing tasks are defined. Formatting for tasks and metatasks should match the structure in this YAML file exactly.

Excerpt of post.yaml file

Fig. 1.26 Excerpt of post.yaml

Since the run_post_mem###_f### task in post.yaml comes under metatask_run_ens_post and metatask_run_post_mem#mem#_all_fhrs, all of these tasks and metatasks must be included under rocoto: tasks: before defining the walltime variable. Therefore, to change the walltime from 15 to 20 minutes, the rocoto: tasks: section should look like this:

          walltime: 00:20:00

Notice that this section contains all three of the tasks/metatasks highlighted in yellow above and lists the walltime where the details of the task begin. While users may simply adjust the walltime variable in post.yaml, learning to make these changes in config.yaml allows for greater flexibility in experiment configuration. Users can modify a single file (config.yaml), rather than (potentially) several workflow YAML files, and can account for differences between experiments instead of hard-coding a single value.

See SRW Discussion #990 for the question that inspired this FAQ. Advanced: How can I add a physics scheme (e.g., YSU PBL) to the UFS SRW App?

At this time, there are ten physics suites available in the SRW App, five of which are fully supported. However, several additional physics schemes are available in the UFS Weather Model (WM) and can be enabled in the SRW App. The CCPP Scientific Documentation details the various namelist options available in the UFS WM, including physics schemes, and also includes an overview of schemes and suites.


Note that when users enable new physics schemes in the SRW App, they are using untested and unverified combinations of physics, which can lead to unexpected and/or poor results. It is recommended that users run experiments only with the supported physics suites and physics schemes unless they have an excellent understanding of how these physics schemes work and a specific research purpose in mind for making such changes.

To enable an additional physics scheme, such as the YSU PBL scheme, users may need to modify ufs-srweather-app/parm/FV3.input.yml. This is necessary when the namelist has a logical variable corresponding to the desired physics scheme. In this case, it should be set to True for the physics scheme they would like to use (e.g., do_ysu = True).

It may be necessary to disable another physics scheme, too. For example, when using the YSU PBL scheme, users should disable the default SATMEDMF PBL scheme (satmedmfvdifq) by setting the satmedmf variable to False in the FV3.input.yml file.

It may also be necessary to add or subtract interstitial schemes, so that the communication between schemes and between schemes and the host model is in order. For example, it is necessary that the connections between clouds and radiation are correctly established.

Regardless, users will need to modify the suite definition file (SDF) and recompile the code. For example, to activate the YSU PBL scheme, users should replace the line <scheme>satmedmfvdifq</scheme> with <scheme>ysuvdif</scheme> and recompile the code.

Depending on the scheme, additional changes to the SDF (e.g., to add, remove, or change interstitial schemes) and to the namelist (to include scheme-specific tuning parameters) may be required. Users are encouraged to reach out on GitHub Discussions to find out more from subject matter experts about recommendations for the specific scheme they want to implement. Users can post on the SRW App Discussions page or ask their questions directly to the developers of ccpp-physics and ccpp-framework, which also handle support through GitHub Discussions.

After making appropriate changes to the SDF and namelist files, users must ensure that they are using the same physics suite in their config.yaml file as the one they modified in FV3.input.yml. Then, the user can run the generate_FV3LAM_wflow.py script to generate an experiment and navigate to the experiment directory. They should see do_ysu = .true. in the namelist file (or a similar statement, depending on the physics scheme selected), which indicates that the YSU PBL scheme is enabled. Running an Experiment and Troubleshooting How do I restart a DEAD task?

On platforms that utilize Rocoto workflow software (such as NCAR’s Derecho machine), if something goes wrong with the workflow, a task may end up in the DEAD state:

rocotostat -w FV3SAR_wflow.xml -d FV3SAR_wflow.db -v 10
201906151800       make_grid      9443237   QUEUED              -      0      0.0
201906151800       make_orog            -        -              -      -        -
201906151800  make_sfc_climo            -        -              -      -        -
201906151800   get_extrn_ics      9443293     DEAD            256      3      5.0

This means that the dead task has not completed successfully, so the workflow has stopped. Once the issue has been identified and fixed (by referencing the log files in $EXPTDIR/log), users can re-run the failed task using the rocotorewind command:

rocotorewind -w FV3LAM_wflow.xml -d FV3LAM_wflow.db -v 10 -c 201906151800 -t get_extrn_ics

where -c specifies the cycle date (first column of rocotostat output) and -t represents the task name (second column of rocotostat output). After using rocotorewind, the next time rocotorun is used to advance the workflow, the job will be resubmitted. I ran an experiment, and now I want to tweak one minor detail and rerun the task(s) without regenerating the experiment. How can I do this?

In almost every case, it is best to regenerate the experiment from scratch, even if most of the experiment ran successfully and the modification seems minor. Some variable checks are performed in the workflow generation step, while others are done at runtime. Some settings are changed based on the cycle, and some changes may be incompatible with the output of a previous task. At this time, there is no general way to partially rerun an experiment with different settings, so it is almost always better just to regenerate the experiment from scratch.

The exception to this rule is tasks that failed due to platform reasons (e.g., disk space, incorrect file paths). In these cases, users can refer to the FAQ on how to restart a DEAD task.

Users who are insistent on modifying and rerunning an experiment that fails for non-platform reasons would need to modify variables in config.yaml and var_defns.sh at a minimum. Modifications to rocoto_defns.yaml and FV3LAM_wflow.xml may also be necessary. However, even with modifications to all appropriate variables, the task may not run successfully due to task dependencies or other factors mentioned above. If there is a compelling need to make such changes in place (e.g., resource shortage for expensive experiments), users are encouraged to reach out via GitHub Discussions for advice.

See SRW Discussion #995 for the question that inspired this FAQ. How can I run a new experiment?

To run a new experiment at a later time, users need to rerun the commands in Section that reactivate the srw_app environment:

source /path/to/etc/lmod-setup.sh/or/lmod-setup.csh <platform>
module use /path/to/modulefiles
module load wflow_<platform>

Follow any instructions output by the console (e.g., conda activate srw_app).

Then, users can configure a new experiment by updating the experiment parameters in config.yaml to reflect the desired experiment configuration. Detailed instructions can be viewed in Section Parameters and valid values are listed in Section 1.3.1. After adjusting the configuration file, generate the new experiment by running ./generate_FV3LAM_wflow.py. Check progress by navigating to the $EXPTDIR and running rocotostat -w FV3LAM_wflow.xml -d FV3LAM_wflow.db -v 10.


If users have updated their clone of the SRW App (e.g., via git pull or git fetch/git merge) since running their last experiment, and the updates include a change to Externals.cfg, users will need to rerun checkout_externals (instructions here) and rebuild the SRW App according to the instructions in Section